
Business Intelligence Solutions To Modernize Organizations Of All Sizes

Concept Behind Zeppelin

Zeppelin, powered by Artificial Intelligence, gathers intelligence from your video cameras and turns it into visualized dashboards to help you understand what’s going on with your business, whether storefronts, offices, or public gathering spaces.

Idea Behind Zeppelin

It empowers businesses and organizations to make informed decisions by harnessing their data in a much innovative way. Zeppelin’s platform will provide Artificial Intelligence developers a unified interface to develop and deploy their algorithms across video hardware platforms.

Zeppelin One - B.i. Dashboards

Anytime, Anywhere
Zeppelin One is a cloud-native and mobile-first solution.

Share and Collaborate
Communication and collaboration are made easy when team members can see the videos and stay on the same page. In addition, team members can like and comment on the videos in our future updates

Edge A.I.
Edge A.I. excels in speed, low bandwidth consumption, and scalability. Therefore, our beta program comes with a state-of-the-art camera, X1-8D, equipped with one of American’s most advanced video processors.

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence
Zeppelin’s platform will provide Artificial Intelligence developers a unified interface to develop and deploy their algorithms across video hardware platforms.

Mission Of Zeppelin

The US has millions of security cameras installed and generates a large amount of data on a daily basis. A dedicated tool for aggregation and analysis without coding. Empowering businesses to make better organizations


Affordable: It saves all the upfront costs and reduces time in infrastructure and engineering

Actionable: Improve business operation efficiencies with business intelligence dashboards

Scalable: Fit business of all sizes, from one many locations, from SMB to enterprise